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Am me.stupid but simple,gloomy but good,insane but interesting!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Can someone hear?

at the height of my voice,I scream..

Here i am,me,since seventy eight,

alas!there is no one who can show me some light..

In the vastness of this world ,am a tiny atom lost..

I rushed and rambled and somewhere lost in the past.

I question about my integrity..

restlesness,helplessness and lonelines ..this is all i found as my identity..

I came all the way here in my life to lose the precious gift I have got,

coz this is what is left in my life's plot..

Am left between two paths to take,

but nowhere can i find the traces of the choice I want to make..

Can someone help me find the lost track..

How good it would have been ,if all this were happened in a time crack..

I will be left only with dreams unfulfilled,oh me! when is all this going to end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day as they say ....I didn't quite beleived it first, but it will sure starts fading away or you stop relating, or may be just things start appearing distant....And yeah there will be momentary visits back to those spaces..and one time we may bring back something else.....

Hey.thanks for dropping by..Your comment did cheered me up.....:).